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Vi siete mai chiesti quale forma possa avere un profumo? Una fragranza si ‘gusta’ con l’olfatto ma riesce ad evocare immagini e sensazioni. Perché non darle anche un corpo fisico? L’azienda profumiera londinese Laboratory Perfumes ha chiesto all’artista Zuza Mengham di realizzare delle sculture che rappresentino le loro fragranze.

Have you ever thought about what shape would a perfume have? You can appreciate the fragrance with the sense of smell of course, but it also suggests you images and sensations. The London-based fragrance maker, Laboratory Perfumes, asked to the artist Zuza Mengham to translate intangible fragrances into solid sculptural forms.



Questi prismi di resina saranno esposti a Londra presso il Conran Shop in Marylebone High Street dal 15 al 25 September, durante il London Design Festival 2016.

Le fragranze sono ispirate ai profumi del Marocco e le sculture si rifanno nella forma alle montagne della catena montuosa dell’Atlante.

These resin sculptures will be displayed in London in The Conran Shop on Marylebone High Street from 15 to 25 September, as part of the The London Design Festival 2016.

Fragrances are inspired by the scents and scenery of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains. Mengham has interpreted this in a prismatic shape that echoes the mountain silhouette.

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Se ve ne siete già innamorati come me… bè, iniziamo a mettere insieme tutti i salvadanai, le sculture saranno in vendita per 1200 £!

If you are already in love with these sculpture like me… let’s put together our piggy banks: they will be on sale for 1200 £!



Photo © Zuza Mengham, by Ilka and Franz